How much does it cost to ship to my country?
International orders under $200.00 will be $80.00;Orders over $200.00 will be For free shipping most countries.

What if I ordered the wrong size?
We want you to love your boots, and we totally understand ordering footwear online can be tricky.  If you find your boots or shoes don't fit you perfectly, you can simply send them back for a different size. All you need to do is take care that the boots or shoes, any accessories and the packaging are returned in the same condition as you received them. 

How will you be shipping the product to me?
We use UPS for worldwide shipping. Delivery is usually between 7 to 15 days. All shipments include 100% insurance coverage and a tracking number.

What if I want to return a purchase?
We're happy to accept returns of our regular lineup boots and shoes purchased on the www.luosjiet.com website within 15 days of receipt. Boots or shoes need to be unworn and in mint condition, as do any accessories and packaging. We recommend trying footwear on over carpet to keep the soles and heels in mint condition. Please note that shipping costs are not refunded. Please contact us at info@luosjiet.com for shipping directions before returning any product.

Returns require a deduction of $80 international courier fee. Please be informed! For example, if your order amount is $499,the final refund amount we receive after receiving your return is $499- $80=$419 And so on!By placing an order you are agreeing to the  Terms & Conditions.)

What if I didn't purchase my luosjiet®boots or shoes from

If you purchased any luosjiet®boots product from 

www.luosjiet.com or from one of our retail partners, please contact them directly regarding their exchange and return policy.

Authorized returns can be shipped to:


Luosjiet Boot Company

Helen, +8618929167701    service@luosjiet.com
No. 385, Xihuan Road, Houjie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province,China

 Do I have to pay sales tax and/or import duty?

Chinese sales tax is not required for products leaving China. Products entering a foreign country may be subject to import duties as determined by customs in the destination country. If the product is returned to us because of refusal to pay import duty you will be charged a 20% restocking fee and shipping costs will not be refunded. No exceptions. Please check with your local customs office to see if you are subject to additional fees before making a purchase.